Here you will find the company’s main contact person and a short company history.

Name: Patric Haerle
Function: Owner, security operations manager, security service, paramedic, head of training area
Qualification: Expertise §34A, Close Protection Operative, Private Military Contractor, Krav Maga Global Instructor, TCCC/FPOS (First Person on Scene), Paramedic, Weapons Expertise §7, Shooting Instructor, various weapons and operational training at ESA Poland
Languages: German, English
Company history:
Tactical Protection Security Team (Tacprosecurity for short) emerged from the idea that you want to apply the knowledge you have acquired. The name is derived from the company Tactical-Protection-Gear, which was founded in 2014 and is the online shop for tactical equipment and clothing.
So it started at the beginning of 2017 and through the contacts I made, I was able to make a name for myself as a jumper in this area. In addition to the work in the asylum accommodation, church consecrations (folk festivals) and concerts were the order of the day.
Larger events followed in 2018 and 2019 with “Rock im Park” as operations manager of the night foot patrol (2019).
At the end of 2019 / beginning of 2020, the company entered the Nuremberg trade fair and expanded to several 420 euro units in order to cushion the order volume.
Then came spring 2020 – many people know what happened there and how the industry was doing.
When the Big C was finally over and the dust settled, other areas of work had emerged and the security area remained in hibernation.
Between all the events, further training never slept and so courses abroad on the subject of safety were regularly attended. As well as exchanging ideas with other colleagues.
In 2024 I will start again in this area and want to resume the goal of regaining the old, good reputation in the industry and making events and facilities safe.
Again with the original idea – as a jumper to relieve and support other companies when staff are missing at events or missions.